Coyote Ugly Saloon
Excerpt from coyoteuglysaloon.com/history
Patron: “Lil, can I have a Midori Sour?”
Lil: “No you can’t and for making that asinine request, you are getting a shot of Wild Turkey for you and ME!”
During the night I would dance on the bar, sing to the crowd and insult anyone who wasn’t man enough to take me on in a drinking contest. As a consummate salesman, I was very good at this. To this day, the people who were around from the very beginning say that I was the best bartender we ever had.
I developed my business plan here and that has propelled me to where I am today: beautiful girls + booze = money. I began training my girls to perform my shtick. Some were good dancers, some were good singers, and others could yell at the crowd and entice them to drink. Very few had all three qualities, so I had to improvise. I would pair up the dancer with the comic yeller. Maybe the singer can be trained to dance a little better and it all began to work.
(from Yelp.com)